This classic home automation tool is ready for another generation. Brush up on your Perl skills and get ready to get creative.
Fedora 22
Fedora 22 debuts with a new package manager and windowing protocol.
Tool Tips
Tool tests on the fast track.
Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux
The SAV antivirus scanner works unobtrusively in the background.
This Live distro implements the newest KDE features, reflecting the state of KDE development.
Drawing Programs
We look at Inkscape, LibreOffice Draw, Calligra Karbon, and sK1.
This easy backup tool uses Rsync and techniques from the Git version control environment.
Ask Klaus!
Answers by Klaus Knopper.
Charly’s Column – Keepalived
Protect your network with a floating IP address.
Perl – Interpreting Statistics
Test your hypothesis with a p-value.
Honeypots for the Pi
A honeypot can slow down attackers and warn you that intruders are on the wire. We examine some free alternatives for the Raspberry Pi.
Atom Code Editor
GitHub’s code editor is convenient and configurable.
Workspace – Chromebook Tips
Useful tips, tricks, open source extensions, and apps.
Slap Text Editor
Easy navigation, even with large volumes of data.
Color Management
Learn the basics and put your knowledge to practical use.
Command Line – Defragging Linux
Disk tools that can help if your partitions become fragmented.
LibreOffice Viewer
Display office documents on Android devices – now with simple editing tools.
Doghouse – Programming
What does it mean to be a professional programmer?
OpenStack, Open Source
If OpenStack is wildly successful, it is because it has learned from open source.
Kernel News
Kernel communities, conundrums, and controversies.
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