Linux Magazine #187 - Digital Issue

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Issue #187: Tuning SSDs

A solid-state storage device will speed up your server, but you'll need to learn some new tools and techniques.

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Linux Magazine #187 - Digital Issue

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TKperf combines several SSD tools under one roof. You can use TKperf to tests SSDs before deployment and even measure performance.

SSD Tuning
Solid-state drives are already fast, and you can squeeze out even more performance with some practical optimization steps.

Caching with an SSD
Flash memory is fast but also expensive. Why not use a less expensive conventional disk and speed it up with an SSD cache?

P2P Networks
We examine five popular alternatives for peer-to-peer networking.

Tool Tips
Briefly tested: Dxirc 1.20.0, XS-httpd 3.7, Nmap 7.0, MegaFont NEXT, Isync 1.2.1, Zeal 0.2.1

Testing LibreOffice
Use Python and the LibreOffice API to check whether the office suite is working on all systems.

Managing Linux Filesystems
Top techniques for configuring and managing filesystems.

Dgit combines the Debian archive with a Git repository, giving package maintainers some totally new options for managing Debian source packages.

This single tool replaces conventional utilities like grep, cut, and sed.

Ask Klaus!
Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions.

Charly’s Column – Let’s Encrypt
Charly fights the fight for free SSL certificates with Let’s Encrypt.

Perl – Print Test
A simple test makes sure a Linux installation is still working as intended after an update.

KDE Plasma
We'll show you some useful tricks for customizing KDE's Plasma desktop.

Command Line – Pgrep
Use this handy tool to track down processes.

Check out this powerful and flexible chess program for Linux.

Workspace – rclone
This simple command-line utility is the perfect tool for maintaining an off-site backup.

This cool app displays the weather in a terminal window and offers some interesting ASCII art.

Doghouse – Filesystem
Standards maddog explains the importance of single-user mode and filesystem hierarchy standards.

Kernel News
Futexes, cgroups, and speeding up background buffered writebacks.

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