Linux Magazine #256 - Digital Issue

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Issue #256: Facial Recognition

Biometrics got a boost recently with the arrival of Microsoft's Hello technology. Now the open source world is catching up, with an innovative tool appropriately called Howdy. Facial authentication might not be ready for the CIA yet, but we'll help you get started with Howdy and explore the possibilities of authenticating with a glance.

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Linux Magazine #256 - Digital Issue

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* Linux Mint 20.3 Now Available
* Linux Gets an Exciting New Firmware Feature
* elementary OS 6.1 Has Been Released
* Intel Releases Linux Patch for Alder Lake Thread Director
* New Multiplatform Backdoor Malware Targets Linux, macOS, and Windows
* WhiteSource Releases Free Log4j Detection Tool

Kernel News
* A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings

Facial authentication is the smoothest and least intrusive form of biometric security. We'll help you get started with the Howdy facial authentication app.

Distro Walk – Haiku
This child of the proprietary BeOS offers a cohesive open source operating system as an alternative to Linux.

Ethereum and Smart Contracts
Build a custom program into the Ethereum blockchain.

Metadata Cleanup Tools
Several Linux tools let you remove photo metadata to preserve your privacy.

Command Line – Debian Goodies
Debian Goodies helps you manage and troubleshoot packages from the command line.

Charly's Column – DenyHosts
When it comes to warding off unwanted login tests on SSH port 22, Charly likes to keep an ace or two up his sleeve by relying on DenyHosts instead of Fail2ban.

The open source RISC-V processor architecture is poised to shake up the processor industry. Thanks to the Qemu emulator, you can get to know RISC-V without waiting for affordable hardware.

Packet Telemetry with Host-INT
Inband Network Telemetry and Host-INT can provide valuable insights on network performance.

In the coming year, PipeWire will replace PulseAudio, resulting in better audio on Linux.

Programming Snapshot – GPS Analysis with Go
For running statistics on his recorded hiking trails, Mike Schilli turns to Go to extract the GPS data while relying on plotters and APIs for a bit of geoanalysis.

Use Docker containers to deploy applications that might be difficult to package.

OpenPLC on a Raspberry Pi
Create automation projects with ladder logic, function blocks, structured text, and Modbus TCP.

Light Painting
In the photographic method of light painting, you expose a subject over an extended period of time while moving the light sources. With a little technical support from a Raspberry Pi Pico, you can achieve sophisticated results.

Doghouse – Out of Poverty
Hiring the best candidates for tech jobs and increasing diversity and opportunities in the industry go hand-in-hand.

No matter whether you use Gnome or KDE, Windows or macOS, menus always pop up from a bar. Fly-Pie organizes a freely configurable menu in the form of a pie chart instead.

CopyQ extends the clipboard with practical everyday functions while also catering to advanced needs.

This month Graham looks at Obsidian, lazygit, Tabby, ReverseSSH, VCV Rack 2, Gamebuntu, and more!

Tutorial – PhotoPrism
The combination of a polished, user-friendly interface and an artificial intelligence engine makes organizing, searching, and sharing photos a breeze.

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