Raspberry Pi Geek #02 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Photo Tricks!

The Raspberry Pi camera module opens a whole new world of useful projects; we show you how to set up the Pi camera for time-lapse photography and motion detection. Also in this issue are articles about Android tools that control the Rasp Pi, distros preconfigured with game emulators, and the open hardware platforms BeagleBone and Arduino, along with our regular columns on Scratch and Python programming.

The digital edition does not include the DVD/CD contents

Raspberry Pi Geek #02 - Digital Issue

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What's in this issue?

Working with the Raspberry Pi camera module
The amazing Raspberry Pi camera module opens into a whole new world of useful projects. We'll show you how to use the Pi camera for time-lapse photography, and we'll even help you set up a motion-detecting surveillance camera.

HDMI and the BeagleBone Black Multimedia Environment
You'll need a little troubleshooting and some basic knowledge of HDMI if you plan to use your BeagleBone Black for multimedia applications.

Android Pi
Your Android device can be a versatile companion for Raspberry Pi. We describe some useful apps to help you make this happen.

Control your data in the cloud with arkOS
ArkOS lets you put your online existence in the cloud without letting your data fall into the hands of commercial data gatherers. The system is easy to administer, and you can expand it using a handy system of extensions.

Building game show buzzers with a Raspberry Pi
Making game show-style buzzers for events is easy with a Raspberry Pi. The author takes you through the process step by step.

Raspberry Pi as a Tor router and web filter
With a Wi-Fi stick and a few simple steps, you can turn your Raspberry Pi into a Tor proxy that will route all Internet connections from your home network over the anonymous Tor network.

Arduino watches for a kitchen catastrophe
Using Arduino to monitor for smoke or water damage.

Hosting web-based feed readers on the Rasp Pi
Many users were surprised and angered by the discontinuation of Google Reader. However, a replacement is available in the form of Tiny Tiny RSS, which you can use to read newsfeed subscriptions on all your client devices, either via a web interface or an Android app.

Emulating game console classics on the Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is particularly well suited for playing classic games, and a pair of promising Rasp Pi distros come preconfigured with several built-in game emulators.

Tools for configuring and troubleshooting network connectivity
The Linux command line provides a powerful collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting network connections. This article rounds up some new and old networking commands.

First steps with Python programming
Take your first steps with Python programming and discover the turtle module for creating graphics.

Putting Coder for Raspberry Pi through its paces
Coder is an experimental environment for developing apps for the web on the Raspberry Pi. How easy does it make coding? Only one way to find out: Write a minesweeping game!

Creating interactive mad libs in Scratch
We show how to create mad libs, by collecting user input and placing it in stories at predefined places.

Rapiro: The Rasp Pi robot
A Raspberry Pi can automate many functions, but you still have to walk over to the coffee machine yourself. The Rapiro robot is going to change this. Rapiro's creator Shota Ishiwatari responded to our questions about the project.

Interview: Raspbmc maintainer Sam Nazarko
A 19-year-old student has launched the most popular media center distribution for the Raspberry Pi. Read on for the story of Raspbmc and Sam Nazarko.

Raspberry Pi as a tool for museum and science center exhibits
Save time and stretch your budget by integrating Raspberry Pi into museum exhibits and educational displays.

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