Raspberry Pi Geek #19 - Digital Issue

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Issue #19: SBC Shopping – Find the perfect system for your next project!

In this issue, we take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of a number of small-board computers; plus, a parade of Raspberry Pi projects.

Raspberry Pi Geek #19 - Digital Issue

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Four SBCs Compared
Benchmarks compare the Odroid-C2. Pine A64+ and Raspberry Pis 2 and 3.

Ordroid-C2 and LeMaker Guitar
Hobby computers that challenge the Raspberry Pi 3.

Up Close with C.H.I.P.
Don’t let appearances fool you: The C.H.I.P. computer is quite the beast deep down, and you can squeeze some seriously fun projects out of it.

Display T. Box 3
Display T. Box is a Raspberry Pi with a touch display in a compact case. The newest version of the Box comes with revisions that include a better touch screen and more speed.

BBC micro:bit
This tiny single-board computer from the BBC can be used both as an alternative and as a handy companion to the Raspberry Pi.

LibreELEC and Amazon Video
This new media center allows you to stream Amazon Video.

Backing Up with the Rasp Pi
A good backup system is not only important, it is essential when a hard drive crashes, a virus infects the system, or you are victimized by ransomware. Luckily, the Raspberry Pi is ideally suited to run as a backup server in the background.

The pi-top turns a Raspberry Pi into a laptop with a high-resolution display and long battery run time.

Raspberry Pi WiFi
We show you three different ways to add your Raspberry Pi 3 to a wireless network.

Creating Man Pages
We explain how man pages are organized so you can get the most out of them.

SwitchDoc Labs – Wireless Weather Station
Build a low-powered wireless system for your outdoor weather station using inexpensive hardware.

CUPS Administration
A Raspberry Pi is an ideal print server on a small network with the CUPS printing system controlled by a fully automated shell script.

Scratch Programming – Sprite Hunter
This project explores synchronization and randomness to create a sprite hunting game in Scratch à la Pokémon Go.

Remote Aerial Tramway
Create a Lego Mindstorms NXT tramway and control it remotely with an Android phone app written in the MIT App Inventor web app.

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