Linux Magazine #191 - Print Issue

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Issue #191: Clustered Samba

This month’s issue studies file storage with two topics near and dear to network administrators’ hearts: Samba and NFS.

On the DVD: Remix OS and Gentoo Linux

Linux Magazine #191 - Print Issue

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Samba 4
Samba 4 has been around for more than three years, but some users still shy from it. If you are still sitting on the fence, this tour of Samba 4 features will help you decide whether it is finally time to upgrade.

Clustered Samba
With a little help from the Ceph distributed storage solution, you can put Samba in a cluster with minimal complications.

Whither NFS?
The NFS network filesystem has served Unix and Linux networks for many years, but the decline of Sun Microsystems has thrust NFS into a creative crisis. Will this veteran from the early days of Unix find the strength to rise again?

Online LaTeX Editors
Online LaTeX editors let you collaborate with co-workers from a browser on your desktop and from mobile devices.

Tool Tips
Linux tools reviewed for productivity and security.

Collabora Online
Development Edition Cooperation between the private company Collabora and the open source ownCloud project takes LibreOffice into the cloud.

This open source framework written in Python lets you build your own crawlers with minimal effort.

Ask Klaus!
Mounting and unmounting network storage devices.

Chromebooks on Linux
With a few tricks, you can break out of vendor lock-in and operate your Chromebook with free software.

Charly’s Column – The F*ck
You’ll have to turn to the story to see what Charly’s up to.

Perl – Perl 6
A re-implementation of an old blackjack game pits Perl 5 against Perl 6.

Workspace – Kanboard
Based on the kanban system, Kanboard offers solid tools for efficiently managing projects.

Out-of-Bounds Photos
Add out-of-bounds effects to your digital photos with some simple Gimp tools.

Command Line – LaTeX
LaTeX has a reputation for being difficult to use, but mainly it just requires patience.

Kernel News
Zack looks at ISH and TSN support, per-task Livepatching, and security holes in user namespaces.

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