ADMIN Magazine #36 - Print Issue

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Issue #36: Automated Firewall

We look at automatically generated iptables rules, ransomware, writing SELinux modules, and more.

On the DVD: Ubuntu 16.10 Server and GParted

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ADMIN Magazine #36 - Print Issue

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Apricity OS
Apricity OS aims to make everyday life easier for mobile and cloud users.

Auto iptables
Rules Automatically create restrictive rules in Linux iptables packet filters.

Locky Encryption
Trojan In the tsunami of ransomware infections, the Locky trojan is a highwater mark.

Interview: Brandon Philips
Meet the CTO of CoreOS. Find out about the latest ploys and toys in the world of information technology.

OpenStack Manila
The OpenStack Manila module lets you manage and use popular shared filesystems.

Kubernetes and CoreOS
With CoreOS and Kubernetes, you can orchestrate container-based web applications in large landscapes.

Bash Extensions
The Bash scripting language is powerful, but with a few extensions, you can do even more.

MariaDB Replication
We describe how to set up replication for MariaDB with the aid of XtraBackup.

Reproducible Builds
Debian's reproducible builds project attempts to create bitwise identical binary packages.

Hyper-V Containers
Improved cloud security, flexible virtual hardware, rolling upgrades of Hyper-V clusters, and production checkpoints.

VMware AirWatch
Tame your mobile device zoo with this mobile security solution. Features Virtualization In this issue, we look at automatically generated iptables rules, ransomware, writing SELinux modules, and more.

Service Pack 1 for Exchange 2013 introduced this new protocol, which has become the default in Exchange 2016.

Mobile VPN Clients
iOS and Android tunneled VPN apps.

PowerShell and Ransomware
Encrypted ransomware can affect simple backups, but a PowerShell script can ensure that your files are secure.

Targeted Attacks
Although more complex for cybercriminals to launch, targeted attacks like watering hole and spear phishing offer the greatest rewards. Here's how to protect your company from these types of attacks.

This free backup utility dates back to the days of tape drives, but it is still a powerful tool for centralized backup across the network.

Open Source Alternatives
We show which Linux applications are the best free alternatives to common Windows programs.

New usability features make it easier to write SELinux policy modules yourself.

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