Linux Magazine #208 - Print Issue

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Issue #208: Terminal Tuning: Tips and tools for a better Bash shell

This month we present some interesting utilities for enhancing your command-line experience.

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Linux Magazine #208 - Print Issue

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* YunoHost – A cool Linux alternative that easily installs an array of important server applications.
* Lightpack – Check out this weird technology that lights up the wall behind your TV.
* Over at Linux Voice, you'll learn about the new apt package tool and how it differs from apt-get. We'll also show you how to calibrate your monitor with DisplayCAL.

* Dell Kickstarts 2018 with a Brand New Linux Laptop
* Linus Torvalds Rips Intel for Meltdown and Spectre Flaws
* LibreOffice-Based CODE 3.0 Released
* Google Announces Kubeflow to Bring Kubernetes to Machine Learning
* Critical Flaw in phpMyAdmin

Kernel News
* Implementing Digital Rights Management In-Kernel
* Improving Lighting Controls
* Updating printk()

Terminal Tuning
Tired of the same old Bash? We explore some helpful tools for extending and expanding your shell experience.

YunoHost offers a wide range of services on a proven Debian platform that you can host yourself.

Fedora 27
Fedora Linux is a favorite of developers, sys admins, and tech-savvy users. We check out the latest release.

To-Do Managers
Busy people have busy calendars full of appointments and tasks. Linux to-domanagers help manage the clutter in a controlled way.

Command Line – unoconv
A hidden utility in the LibreOffice toolbox, unoconv offers a wide array of import and export filter options.

Programming Snapshot – Protectli
What is making the lights on the router flicker so excitedly? An intruder? We investigate with pfSense on a Protectli micro appliance and a screen scraper to email the information.

BackBox Linux
Specializing in security and forensics, BackBox Linux is ideal for vulnerability assessment, but it also works well as an everyday desktop distribution.

Charly's Column – Tsung
Charly uses the Tsung load generator instead of human users as beta testers.

Ambilight lights up the wall behind Philips TVs with LEDs mounted on the device to enhance the onscreen visual impression. All you need is Lightpack and a Rasp Pi.

KiCad helps you design printed circuit boards with up to 32 layers and supplies schematics and assembly diagrams in the popular Gerber format.

Open Hardware – eelo
Mandrake creator, GaÎl Duval has big plans for a free-licensed phone.

Linux Voice Welcome
This month in Linux Voice:

Doghouse – Security
A serious security problem requires your attention.

apt vs. apt-get
The apt command-line utility is a successor to the well-known apt-get, offering simpler installation and maintenance for the DEB packages used with Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix, and many other Linux distros.

If you're tired of inaccurate colors on your monitor, try calibrating and profiling using a colorimeter and DisplayCAL.

Ocenaudio 3.3.6, Otter Browser, Joplin, WeeChat 2.0, Mailspring, Siril 0.9.7, SuperTuxKart 0.9.3, and more!

Tutorial –USB/ IP
USB/ IP lets you use USB devices connected to other machines as if they were plugged directly into your computer.

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