Linux Magazine #164 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Issue #164 (July 2014) Interoperability

In this issue, we look at Cygwin, a run-time environment that allows you to run and compile Linux programs in Windows. Then, we test various Linux distros to see how they handle the controversial UEFI Secure Boot feature that locks out “unauthorized” operating systems.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Linux Magazine #164 - Digital Issue

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Cover Stories:

- Cygwin: The Cygwin environment lets you run Linux applications on a Windows system.
- The State of Secure Boot UEFI: Secure Boot is here to stay. We thought it was time to ask, “How hard is it to boot a popular Linux distribution in a UEFI Secure Boot environment?”

Also in this issue:

Comment: If You Build It
On the DVD: Ubuntu Monster Pack
Migrating to an SSD: Speed your system with an SSD.
Bitwig Studio: This professional music workstation for Linux compares favorably with other commercial DAWs.
ThinkUp: ThinkUp helps active social media users gauge the effects their messages have on followers.
Bash History Suggest Box: Bash history improved.
Master PDF Editor: Edit and protect PDF documents.
Charly’s Column – Miniflux: Minimalist news reader.
Ask Klaus! Your Linux questions answered.
Security Lessons – Cryptographic Agility: Changing horses midstream.
Perl – Neo4j: Evaluate network paths in Neo4j.
Visual Programming: We investigate five free visual programming environments.
Inxi: Hardware overview with lightweight command-line tool.
Command Line – MultiTail: MultiTail is not only more powerful than tail, it’s also easier to use.
Workspace – Booktype: A complete cloud-based e-book authoring and publishing environment.
GCstar_ The smart GCstar collection tool can help you keep track of your treasures.
Oculus Rift: Virtual reality glasses for Linux users and developers.
Kernel News: A POSIX violation in the kernel, tracking CPU events, making stack dumps pretty, and imperfect patches.
Doghouse – Artificial Intelligence: “maddog” ponders the rise of intelligent machines.

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