Raspberry Pi Geek #11 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

PiFace Control and Display
Put an LCD screen, IR receiver, and buttons on top of your Pi

The maker movement just keeps getting stronger, and open hardware and software are right in the middle, combining electronics, code, construction kits, and bits and pieces of whatever’s in the spare parts bin to create something new or remake something old. Check out this issue of Raspberry Pi Geek to see what’s new and find cool projects, tips, and tricks.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Raspberry Pi Geek #11 - Digital Issue

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Pi weather station; BBC Micro Bit boards; Picademy update

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
The Raspberry Pi 2 looks just like its predecessor, the Rasp Pi 1 B+, and has lots of similarities; however, the freshly hatched second generation is much faster.

The PiFace Control and Display unit lets you operate your Pi without a monitor or keyboard.

Anonymebox lets you surf the Internet anonymously from any computer or mobile device without installing Tor software.

Raspberry Pi 2 vs. Odroid-C1
Comparing the new Raspberry Pi 2 with the Odroid-C1.

I2C Bus Clock Chip
Using the PCF8583 as a clock component on the Raspberry Pi I2C bus.

Rasp Pi UPS
An uninterruptible power supply for the Raspberry Pi.

Pen Plotting
A Python interface to a largeformat pen plotter.

Firefox Sync Server
The Firefox Sync Server lets users keep bookmarks, open tabs, and saved passwords synchronized across several browsers.

Design/Build Process
Designing and building your own board.

Pixy Camera
Track objects with the Pixy camera and Mathematica.

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