Ubuntu User #24 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Issue #24 (Winter 2015): Publishing

Publishing and Privacy: In this issue, we look at some helpful tools for professional text production and then examine how you can protect your data, desktop, emails, and online phoning and messaging from snoopers.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Ubuntu User #24 - Digital Issue

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Publishing and Privacy: In this issue, we look at some helpful tools for professional text production and then examine how you can protect your data, desktop, emails, and online phoning and messaging from snoopers.

Editorial: The Green Ray


Professional Publishing

In this issue, we take a look at some useful publishing tools and then get serious about online security.

Managing Electronic References

Attributing and linking back to sources is a pain. Fortunately, several apps are available to make the task easier.

Sigil E-Book Editor

The Sigil e-book editor covers all important aspects of creating e-books.

LaTeX Tables

With some additional packages, you can build some really nice professional-looking tables.

RTextDoc LaTeX Editor

The RTextDoc LaTeX editor promises ease of use for complex markup.

Know How

Secure Desktop Login

Implement two-step authentication using a PAM module and a free mobile app.

Algebra with wxMaxima

wxMaxima helps solve algebra problems; it is also ideal for teaching and can be a real asset in the classroom.

Screen Terminal Multiplexer

Screen provides numerous amenities that allow admins to perform their daily tasks without a graphical environment.

Safe Communication with Tox

With Tox, you can chat and phone with encrypted point-topoint communication and open source software.

Processing Output with Xargs

Special characters in filenames often cause problems for shell tools. With Xargs, you can circumvent these problems.

ClamAV Anti Virus Scanner

A virus scanner in Linux makes sense when the machine is a file or mail server used by Windows clients.

Encrypting Emails using GnuPG

If you really want secure email communication, you need end-to-end encryption using GnuPG.

Shell Process Control using Signals

Catch process communication and steer the computer's tasks in the right direction using signals.

LXC Containers on the Desktop

LXC containers are not just for developers. Adventurous users can also find uses for them.


Ardour 3

The Ardour digital audio workstation has added even more enhancements to the new version.

Screencasts with SimpleScreenRecorder

With SimpleScreenRecorder, you can create professionallooking screen videos.

Discovery Guide

If you are new to Ubuntu, these timely tutorials will help you get started.

Installing Ubuntu 14.10

We'll walk you through upgrading or installing the latest ubuntu release.

Network and Updates

Use the NetworkManager to access your WiFi and download updates.

Package Management

Ubuntu's Software Center lets you install just about anything.


You can configure your Ubuntu system to support movies, music, and Internet telephony. We present some favorite multimedia apps.

Virtual Windows on Linux

We show you how to use VirtualBox to set up a Windows XP virtual machine on your existing Linux system.

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