Drupal Watchdog 6.02 - Print Issue

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Issue #6.02 (#12): Data & Analytics – Google Analytics for Drupal Admins

In this issue, we look at the tools for tracking and analyzing your usage and traffic. We explore the D3 visualization library, tracking user data with the Google Analytics event Tracking API, and much more. Whether you're a novice or an expert, this issue will give you new ideas to build better, faster, more secure, and more expressive Drupal websites.

Drupal Watchdog 6.02 - Print Issue

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Bits 'n' Bytes
Tidbits to tempt your Drupal appetite.

Testing 1, 2, 3
Drupal 8 adopted a way to reuse code with "traits,” which allow methods and class variables to be declared in a single place and then broadly reused across different classes.

Angela Byron, Drupal Cat-Herder
In this exclusive on-the- fly interview, Angie (aka "webchick") Byron catches us up on how she got into Drupal and what she's currently up to: a lot.

Analytics Framework Built into Drupal
E-commerce thrives on analytics to disclose strengths and weaknesses in a site's many facets. In Drupal 8, those analytics are easily accessible.

Analytics give you the information you need to improve your site's efficiency, but the amount of information can be way too much. Fortunately, you only have to focus on a few areas.

One Line to Rule Them All!
What makes a block with only one line of PHP code actually perform? To ease the crunch, we give you some helpful tips about typed data.

Moving Your Data to Drupal 8
Moving data from a different technology can be a daunting task. The new Migrate API in Drupal 8 provides a suite of modules designed to help you move your data.

Forging Front-End Finesse Without Back-End Bulk
Clients are increasingly asking for form pages that do not rely on any back-end dynamic programming and simply send all the submitted values.

Use GA to Track User Behavior
Gather the usage rates of features on your live site with Google Analytics to help you make budgetary decisions and allocate priorities.

Improving on Drupal's Built-In Site-Hardening Measures
You have countless methods for further strengthening your Drupal website with contrib modules that lock down a website

Choosing Fonts for Drupal
Serif? Sans serif? Seriously? Okay, so you dozed through that boring lecture on fonts, and now, when building a website, you panic at all the possible choices out there. Help is here.

The latest Ad Tracking Tricks and What To Do About Them
Two powerful new ad tracking techniques, canvas fingerprinting and Evercookies, track web surfers and observe user behavior.

Plays and Shares Well with Others
Drupalists have long been plagued by the problem of sharing information across Drupal sites and integrating information from non-Drupal sources. No longer.

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