Linux Magazine #186 - Print Issue

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Issue #186: Educational Linux

Special Linux distros answer the call for putting computer literacy in the classroom.

On the DVD: CentOS 7(1511) and Tails 2.2

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Linux Magazine #186 - Print Issue

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Educational Linux
The free Linux open source ecosystem is a strong contender for putting computer education in the classrooms. This article looks at six educational Linux distros.

Backup Solutions
Five programs for the desktop.

AfterShot Pro
Process and organize photos and RAW files.

Tool Tips
Tool tests on the fast track.

Search Engine Build you own search engine using Apache's Nutch web crawler and the Solr search platform.

Complex environments benefit from a different approach to network monitoring. Prometheus is an interesting alternative.

The X11 graphics protocol is showing some serious signs of age, but Wayland is poised to come to the rescue.

SQLite Tutorial
Several databases likely reside on
your desktop and smartphone. It
is easy to manage this data or
create a similar database yourself.

Charly's Column -- Doorbell Pi
A Raspberry Pi Zero, a noise detector, and a power outlet with a LAN connection alert you to visitors when you can't hear the doorbell.

Perl -- WiFi Connect Messages
Push notifications to your cell phone keep you up to date with the details of clients that log on or off of your home WiFi.

Workspace -- Fossil SCM
A software configuration management system for your next great software project.

Video slideshows from still photos.

Stellarium Extras
Expand the Stellarium virtual planetarium.

Command Line -- tre-agrep
All of grep's functionality with ambiguous or fuzzy searches and minimal regex.

Doghouse: FOSS Training
maddog examines what today's engineers and product managers need to know about Free and Open Software.

Kernel News
Some changes in software RAID maintainership and an overhaul of the kernel documentation system.

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