Linux Magazine #201 - Print Issue

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Issue #201: Locked Down with the Network Security Toolkit

This month we show you the Network Security Toolkit, a smart collection of powerful security tools bundled into a single interface.

On the DVD: Ubuntu 17.04 (32-bit Live) and Devuan 1.0 (64-bit live)

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Linux Magazine #201 - Print Issue

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* I-Nex – a graphical tool for monitoring system information
* Calamares – universal Linux installer.
* Plus new features in our Linux Voice section including a look at interactive scripts, a brief history of Ubuntu, and a tutorial on the ImageMagick photo processing utility.

* Trojan turns Raspberry Pi into a cryptocurrency mining device
* Fedora 26 beta comes with new features
* Raspberry Pi Foundation merges with CoderDojo Foundation
* Samba vulnerability patched but risk Is bigger
* Red Hat announces
* Microsoft bakes Linux into Windows server

Kernel News
* Tracking inode versioning
* Controlling console output
* Cleaning up data transfer code

OpenStack Summit Boston
Contrary to rumors, OpenStack is far from dead.

Network Security Toolkit
The Network Security Toolkit is a convenient solution for users who want to keep a collection of security tools in easy reach.

Flatpak and Snap
The new container-inspired package formats Flatpak and Snap have landed in the territory occupied by conventional Linux package systems like RPM and dpkg.

Open Hardware – Open Keyboard
The open source keyboard community has been hard at work developing highquality, customizable keyboard firmware.

Advanced Layout with LibreOffice Writer
Some documents require extra attention to design. Discover advanced typography in Writer.

Charly – Brewing Helpers
Charly looked into so many mash tubs during brewery tours that he wanted to try his own home brew. He did a little research and found some open source projects that could help.

Data Storage Media
When it comes to cheap flash memory, buyers should beware of fake flash storage media that offer only a fraction of the advertised storage capacity. We show you a test that weeds out fakes.

Master PDF Editor 4
This commercial software tool lets you edit the most important portable document format of our times. See what's new in version 4.

Calamares helps you create simplified routines for installing a distribution, but we point out some of the pitfalls.

The journal is the systemd component responsible for viewing and managing logfiles.

Get a detailed graphical overview of the hardware installed in your computer.

Programming Snapshot – Multilingual Programming
Whip up a script to pull an HTTP document off the web and find out which language offers the easiest approach.

Command Line – vim-abolish
vim-abolish can help you customize search and replace functions in Vim.

Old and new technologies sit side by side in the open source world.

News Analysis
MP3 is dead, long live MP3.

Drying the Tears of WannaCry
Will WannaCry change things?

The Ups and Downs of Ubuntu
Canonical has pitched Ubuntu as an OS for many purposes – desktops, servers, convergence, and the cloud. We look at the distro's checkered history and where it's heading.

Doghouse – Optimization
Understanding how optimization works is just as crucial to fast code as a good compiler.

FAQ – Apache Spark
Spread your processing load across hundreds of machines as easily as running it locally.

Core Technologies – Dialogs
Some shell scripts are silent; others communicate to users extensively. Learn how to make their dialog smoother with, er ... , dialogs.

Luminance HDR 2.5.0, mapscii, Google Drive for Plasma, Audio Shop, OpenLara, and more!

Tutorials – ImageMagick
Modify your digital images from the command line.

Tutorials – Markdown
Create attractive and structured documents from the comfort of your text editor – and convert them to a huge array of formats.

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