Linux Magazine #212 - Print Issue

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Issue #212: Internet of Things – Tools for home automation

The Internet of Things revolution is tailor-made for Linux. This month we report on some tools and techniques for Linux and the Internet of Things.

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Linux Magazine #212 - Print Issue

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* Linux on Old Hardware – no reason to recycle that old computer if you have access to a suitable Linux system
* Raspberry Pi 3 B+ – faster networking, more CPU power, and enhanced wireless support bring new powers to the latest edition of the world's favorite tiny computer
* LinuxVoice – a tutorial on the Recoll search engine and a look at some cool tools for digitizing audio CDs

* Ubuntu 18.04 released
* Richard Stallman calls Azure Sphere OS a positive step
* RHEL 7.5 released
* Microsoft releases a Linux-based OS
* Red Hat and Microsoft join forces for Hybrid Cloud

Kernel News
* The NOVA filesystem
* Making system calls userspace only
* Extending module support to plain executables

Interview – Red Hat's Jim Perrin
Swapnil sorts through the complex relationships of CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL with Red Hat's Jim Perrin.

Linux on Old Hardware
Corporations and organizations don't need to buy new computers every few years because the old systems are no longer serviceable. We look at which tasks these hardware seniors can handle.

The smart home market includes a number of different vendor environments. You'll need a capable broker to fit them under one roof.

Eclipse IoT
Eclipse IoT is a collection of 26 open source projects with the common goal of building an open development environment for the Internet of Things.

Bluetooth Locating
Harness the invisible spirits of Bluetooth for a home grown indoor positioning system.

Command Line – xsetwacom
With a little extra effort, on-the-fly adjustment of your Linux graphics tablet is possible with this command-line tool.

Programming Snapshot – Python Gambling
Can 10 heads in a row really occur in a coin toss? Or, can the lucky numbers in the lottery be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? We investigate the law of large numbers.

Charly's Column – systemd-analyze
In Charly's case, no fumbled system startup goes undetected. If you want to view the boot process at a glance, create a timeline with systemd-analyze.

Raspberry Pi 3 B+
The new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ stands out from its predecessor in many respects. Our tests show what the new model can do.

Throw out the cumbersome pencil and paper; you can design, draw, and test digital circuits with Logisim.

Open Hardware – Ergonomics
Finding ergonomic open source software and hardware can be difficult, but it's becoming easier.


This month in LinuxVoice.

Doghouse – Encryption
Government paranoia regarding encryption can result in unreasonable search and seizure.

soundKonverter and fre:ac
Transfer audio CDs to your PC and convert the contents of music folders with soundKonverter and fre:ac.

Mermaid lets you create diagrams from simple text-based statements.

Graham explores GnuCash 3, Kawaii-Player 3.3.1, tig, HandBrake 1.1.0, GameMode, XLEngine, and more!

Tutorial – Recoll
If it takes too long to find the file you need, chase it down with the Recoll local search engine.

Tutorial – Minetest
Minetest. It offers infinite customization that allows you to create blocks, objects, fun educational exercises, and even games within the game, dishing up features that aren't possible with the closed source alternative.

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