Linux Magazine #266 - Print Issue

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Issue #266: Generative Adversarial Networks

What is the secret behind the recent explosion of computer art and fake videos? One neural network lies to another neural network.

On the DVD: Ubuntu 22.10 and AlmaLinux 9.0

Linux Magazine #266 - Print Issue

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* New Arch-Based Linux Distribution Aims to be Beginner-Friendly
* elementary OS 7 Closer to Release
* Nitrux 2.5 Released with Kernel 6.0 and KDE Plasma 5.26
* Zorin OS 16.02 Available
* Linus Torvalds Considers Dropping i486 Support
* Firefox 106 with Back-Forward Swipe Gesture Support
* First Release Candidate of Linux 6.1 Kernel Announced
* Juno Computers Announces New Tablet for Preorder
* VirtualBox 7.0 Available for Installation

Kernel News
*Best Laid Plans
* Revision Control Theory
* Concurrent Directory Updates

Generative Adversarial Networks
Auction houses are selling AI-based artwork that looks like it came from the grand masters. The Internet is peppered with photos of people who don't exist, and the movie industry dreams of resurrecting dead stars. Enter the world of generative adversarial networks.

Distro Walk – Puppy Linux
Trying out Puppy Linux requires picking a Puppy distribution. We provide a brief overview of some of the most popular Puppy variants.

Overlay Networks
An overlay network will help you block unwanted eavesdroppers on the Internet. We show you some of the leading open source options.

The MITRE ATT&CK website keeps information on attackers and intrusion techniques. We'll show you how to use that information to look for evidence of an attack.

Command Line – Modern File Encryption
Age, a modern encryption tool, could soon replace PGP and GPG when it comes to file encryption.

To make programs useful to a worldwide audience, you need to build in support for multiple languages. Catgets is a tool that helps you reach beyond your mother tongue.

This free knowledge and note-taking app supports tasks, to-do lists, journals, and more.

The complexity of modern Linux distributions offers many potential attack vectors. Lynis lets you find these vulnerabilities before an attacker does.

Programming Snapshot – Terminal Dashboard
Using extensions in Go and Ruby, Mike Schilli adapts the WTF terminal dashboard tool to meet his personal needs.

Mixing Debian Repositories
If you need to mix repositories, a little caution can save you hours of frustrating work.

ReportLab and Panda3D
A game of bingo illustrates how to use the ReportLab toolkit and Panda3D real-time 3D engine.

Bluetooth LE
Bluetooth Low Energy is ideal for networking battery-powered sensors. We show you how to use it on the Raspberry Pi.

Doghouse – AI
If an artificial intelligence produces something new, who owns the new creation?

LibreWolf, a modified Firefox-based web browser, simplifies configuration and stops malware and spying.

For a long time, TeamViewer and AnyDesk dominated the remote maintenance software market. Recently, a new player entered the scene in the form of the free and GPL-licensed RustDesk.

This month Graham reviews Tuning Workbench Synth, Stellarium 1.0, sake, Wonder Shaper, and Samplebrain.

Tutorial – SQL Database Migration
Use a Python API to migrate a music library from SQL to a NoSQL document database.

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