Linux Magazine #167 - Digital Issue

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Issue #167 (Oct 2014) Intrusion Detection

This month we look at two intrusion detection tools to help keep your systems safe.

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Linux Magazine #167 - Digital Issue

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Look for intruders with the Suricata intrusion detection system.

New Snort
If you're used to protecting your systems with the trusty Snort intrusion detection tool, you'll appreciate the new features in the latest version.

Clean System
Logging wastes valuable disk space. Put your system on a diet to take off the weight.

Deepin Linux
The elegant Deepin feels like a hybrid of Linux, Windows, and OS X.

Rescatux Rescue Disk
Repairing boot managers in Linux and Windows.

Git-annex Assistant
This easy web interface lets you use the power of Git for data sync.

Charly's Column: Shell In A Box
A little JavaScript and CSS sends a shell to the browser.

Bash Tricks
Enhance and customize your Bash environment.

Perl: Spotify
Archiving Spotify playlists.

Real-Time Monitoring Tools
Comparing Top, Htop, Atop, and Glances.

Ask Klaus:
What's new in Knoppix 7.4?

Workspace: Chrome Apps
Transform the Chrome and Chromium browsers.

Synkron helps you keep smaller datasets in sync.

Command Line: YankRing
A powerful plugin for Vim's yank and pull features.

Audex CD Ripper
Start digitizing your personal music collection immediately.

Doghouse: Blame Game
Is Open Source to blame for some recent product failures?

Linux Bier Wanderung 2014
The annual Beer Hike in Talybont-on-Usk, Wales.

Kernel News
Simplifying the config system; Linux on small systems.

Event Report: Texas Linux Fest 2014
In June, Linux users and developers gathered at the Austin Convention Center to exchange ideas about everyone's favorite operating system.

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