WildFire and FlowScape
A new breed of services has emerged to help you defend against a new generation of persistent network attacks.
Tool Tips
We review Mobiki, jEdit, Youtube-dl, Inadyn, MyPasswords, and psad.
LXD Container Virtualization
Canonical container alternative seeks to fix Docker deficiencies.
Restore a system with the help of Btrfs snapshots.
Perl: Zeitgeist
Sanitize the Zeitgeist daemon report and reveal interesting facts about a user’s habits.
Install this alternative mobile operating system on your smartphone or tablet.
Build simple diagrams using the yEd graph editor.
Git for Non-Programmers
Get started using the powerful Git version control system; it’s not just for programmers.
Ask Klaus!
Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions.
Manage a list of passwords and matching usernames.
Workspace: Python Scripting
Automate practically any task and write complete apps using the Python scripting language.
Fast image processing with this minimalist alternative to ImageMagick.
Command Line: Systemd
We explain the concepts and capabilities of the new system management daemon.
Organize content into categories and containers along a horizontal timeline.
Doghouse: C.H.I.P. Project
The new C.H.I.P. project on Kickstarter promises to produce a computer for nine dollars.
Kernel News
Kernel programmers talk about librarifying the kernel and generic filesystem event notification.
openSUSE Conference 2015
Important announcements about future of the OpenSUSE project.
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