Linux Magazine #181 - Digital Issue

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Issue #181: HTTP/2

Find out why the new web standard is different and why it matters.

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Linux Magazine #181 - Digital Issue

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Apache JMeter
Find out how your web server performs under fire.

Why HTTP/2?
Better performance for complex websites with the new HTTP/ 2 specification.

Peer-to-Peer VPNs
Virtual private networks Tinc, Freelan, IPOP, and ZeroTier reviewed.

LibreOffice 5
What’s new in the latest release of the free LibreOffice suite.

VirtualBox 5.0
VirtualBox 5.0 tested.

Self-Built PPAs
Just a few steps creates an updated Debian package that you can share with others in a PPA.

Querying Sockets with ss
The unassuming ss utility adds some powerful options to your admin toolkit.

Ask Klaus!
Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions.

ARP Spoofing Attacks
Prevent ARP protocol attacks and stop denial-of-service, network hijacking, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Charly – H2O
The H2O web server has been in development for some time but is a baby compared with the longserving Apache.

Perl – Using Ansible
Automatic desktop configuration and release management using Ansible and Perl.

Elixir 1.0
Build distributed, fault-tolerant, and scalable applications with this functional programming language.

Workspace – Photon
A tiny WiFi development board backed up by a powerful web platform is a great device for hardware prototyping.

Keep track of login information for online accounts.

Take the strain out of downloading content from the Internet.

Command Line – Systemd Journals
View and interpret the new Systemd system logs.

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