Linux Magazine #193 - Digital Issue

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Issue #193: Geotagging

This month's issue brims full with tools and insights on real-world Linux.

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Linux Magazine #193 - Digital Issue

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* Deep Learning – add color to your black and white photos using the power of a neural network.
* Cordova – this fertile framework from the Apache foundation lets you roll out apps for eight operating systems.
* A special welcome to our friends in the Linux Voice community. Check out our new Linux Voice section.

Kernel News
* Improving kernel locks
* writev() error behavior
* Alerts from user space

Meet Greg Kroah-Hartman
Get acquainted with the man behind the kernel stable branch.

Add location data to your best digital images with digiKam and GPS Correlate.

Skype for Linux
The old Microsoft gave the cold shoulder to Skype for Linux, neither updating it nor equipping it with new features. The new Microsoft promises to do better, with a brand new alpha prerelease version of a Linux client for the famous telephony tool.

Office Suites
In the office, the interoperability and cooperation of a few programs play an important role. We take the four big Linux office suites to task and see how well they cope with non-native formats.

Deep Learning
Deep learning isn't just for industrial automation tasks. With a little help from Gimp and some special neural network tools, you can add color to your old black and white images.

Make files fit for the cloud by encrypting content and obscuring the name and size of each file.

PowerShell in Linux
Microsoft released its PowerShell under a free license in August 2016 and ported the tool to Linux and Mac OS. Is Power- Shell for Linux a mere marketing ploy or a real contender that can compete with native Linux shells?

GNU Social
GNU social is a free and open source microblogging platform similar to Twitter. You can join one of the public federated servers or set up your own in minutes.

Ask Klaus!
Klaus Knopper answers your Linux questions.

Roll out an app elegantly and quickly for up to eight operating systems. According to the Apache Foundation, the only requirements are knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This powerful file transfer tool is simple to learn but can get you in trouble if you don't keep track of your options.

A terminal emulator that transforms an Android device into a lightweight and versatile Linux environment.

Charly – Outsmarting WhatsApp
Charly likes to keep up with the state of his domestic strawberry plants, so he has outsmarted WhatsApp to allow status messages to be sent through the service from a PC or Raspberry Pi.

Ben shares some thoughts on LV's new home.

Ownership and IoT
In the future your house will have lots of cool things, but don't think you'll own them.

Conduct Unbecoming
Why doesn't the Free Software Foundation have a code of conduct?

Editor Upgrade
Mike Saunders looks inside Vim 8 – the first major release of the text editor in 10 years.

Big Data is like the Matrix – Better without the sequel.

Core Tech: One ip to Rule Them All
Forget about arp and ifconfig; the ip command is a one-stop shop for network configuration and troubleshooting.

Draw cartoons with OpenToonz, build retro 3D images with VoxelShop, and explore the world with Marble 2.0.

Gaming on Linux
Try your luck with Rocket League, Fear Equation, and Master of Orion.

Tutorial: Autodeploy Ansible Containers
Streamline software deployment with Ansible and Docker containers.

Tutorial: Multitasking with Tmux
Operate multiple terminal sessions in a single window.

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