Linux Magazine #242 - Digital Issue

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Issue #242: 3D Printing

The weird, wonderful, futuristic world of 3D printing is waiting for you right now if you're willing to invest a little time and energy. This month we help you get started with practical 3D printing in Linux.

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Linux Magazine #242 - Digital Issue

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Other highlights:
* TOPSIS – Use Python and the TOPSIS urban planning technique to choose the best solution from a group of competing alternatives.
* Nyttig – Turn your Raspberry Pi into a personal micro server.
* MakerSpace – Learn to build an electronic Nerf ball game.
* LinuxVoice – Check out the Stacer system maintenance tool.

* Dell to Enable Privacy Controls for Linux Hardware
* Linux Mint Unveils New Packages
* Pop!_OS 20.10 Now Supports DEB822 Format
* Ubuntu 20.10 with Raspberry Pi Support
* SaltStack Acquisition Brings More Automation to VMware
* New Storage Model Could Replace POSIX

Kernel News
* Dealing with Older GCC Versions
* On-boarding New Kernel Hackers

Printing: A Case Study
Just unpack and get started? It's not so easy with hobby 3D printing.

3D Printing: Idea to Object
How do you get from an idea to a finished printed object? We'll take you through the steps with a glamorous example: a pair of 3D-printed earrings.

Distro Walk – Alternative Desktops
Bruce gives a rundown of seven Linux distros with unique desktops worth exploring.

MOFO Linux
Work anonymously on the Internet.

Command Line – Rainbow Stream
If you prefer to work from the command line, Rainbow Stream offers a quick and flexible Twitter client.

Choose the best option from several alternatives with the TOPSIS Multi-Criteria Decision Model (MCDM).

Charly – Stockfish
In the absence of an IBM supercomputer at his data center, Charly has to make do with a Linux desktop, Stockfish, and chs in order to follow in the footsteps of chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.

Free Writing Tools
Some tools designed for programming can also be very helpful for writing fiction.

Turn a Raspberry Pi into a useful personal micro server for streaming Internet radio, reading RSS feeds, jotting down notes, sharing files, and more.

Programming Snapshot – Go File Retrieval
Mike Schilli does not put books on the shelf; instead, he scans them and saves the PDFs in Google Drive. A commandline Go program then rummages through the digitized books and downloads them as required.

Netdata helps you monitor your network through a cloud dashboard.

Nerf Target Game
A cool Nerf gun game for a neighborhood party provides a lesson in Python coding with multiple processors.

Doghouse – Morality and Licensing
Recent discussions of introducing moral restrictions into free and open source software licensing have maddog remembering all the reasons early developers decided not to go down that road.

Stacer simplifies configuration and maintenance by offering a convenient graphical interface.

Create graphically appealing presentations that can run in a web browser and are easy for search engines to index.

This month, Graham looks at QGIS, PrettyEQ, dupeGuru,, KTechLab, bit, EmissionControl2, and more!

Tutorial: Portfolio Performance
Manage and analyze your investment portfolio.

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