Linux Magazine #255 - Digital Issue

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Issue #255: Break It to Make It

Fuzz Testing: Ever wonder how attackers discover those "carefully crafted input strings" that crash programs and surrender control? Welcome to the world of fuzz testing. We introduce you to the art of fuzzing and explore some leading fuzz testing techniques.

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Linux Magazine #255 - Digital Issue

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*EndeavorOS 21.4 Has Arrived
* NixOS 21.11 Now Available for Download
* KDE Plasma Developers Introduce a Gnome-Like Overview
* Rocky Linux 8.5 with Secure Boot Support
* CronRAT Malware Targets Linux Servers
* AlmaLinux OS 8.5 Now Available

Kernel News
* Supporting New Hardware Features: UINTR
* Grooming Corporate Filesystem Maintainers

Fuzz Testing
Fuzzing is an important method for finding bugs and security vulnerabilities in software. Read on to find out what fuzzing is and which methods are commonly used today.

Distro Walk – Parrot OS
Parrot OS offers a more secure desktop with practical tools for both newbies and veteran users that encourage better security.

Command Line – PDF Security
PDFs, the preferred format for file sharing, only offer primitive privacy and security. With these command-line tools, you can help your PDFs meet modern security requirements.

Charly's Column –
Instead of websites or newsfeeds, Charly prefers to use at the command line to keep up to date with what's happening around the world.

Programming Snapshot – Game Development
We all know that the Fyne framework for Go can be used to create GUIs for the desktop, but you can also write games with it. Mike Schilli takes on a classic from the soccer field.

Machine Learning
We explore some important machine learning techniques with a simple missing person app.

If you don't speak fluent Ethernet, it sometimes helps to get a graphical view of what your network is doing. Skydive offers visual insights that could reveal complex error patterns.

Many users wish Ubuntu had a free and easily accessible user-driven package repository like Arch's AUR. Pacstall steps into the gap.

The Elixir programming language on a Raspberry Pi lets you create distributed projects in just a few lines of code.

PiMiga 1.5
Convert a Raspberry Pi 400 into a retro computer that behaves like the popular Amiga 500.

Doghouse – New/Old Computers
Computer architectures from the 1960s and '70s are given new life via modern kits.

Slideshows with Kdenlive
Kdenlive plays to its strengths when editing larger video projects and also helps users create appealing slideshows with impressive effects.

Filesharing to Go
If you want to exchange files over the local network, you do not have to set up a file server. A number of handy tools let you drag and drop to send files.

This month Graham looks at Plasma System Monitor, projectM audio visualizer, yt-dlg downloader GUI, and more.

Tutorial – prettymaps
Prettymaps combines multiple Python libraries to make it easy to draw maps straight from the OpenStreetMap database.

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