Linux Magazine #261 - Digital Issue

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Issue #261: USB Boot

Live boot was such an exciting idea 15 years ago -- just carry a CD with you and boot from anywhere. But old-style boot CDs had some limitations. For one thing, they came in a fixed size. Then there was the problem that you couldn't save anything. Today's USB boot tools solve those problems plus offer a feature that no one even thought about back then: access to several boot images on a single stick.

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Linux Magazine #261 - Digital Issue

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* HP and System76 Announce the Dev One Laptop
* NixOS 22.5 Is Now Available
* Titan Linux Is a New KDE Linux Based on Debian Stable
* Next-Generation HTTP/3 Protocol Arrives as a Standard
* The Next Linux Kernel Could Be a Big Deal
* Millions of MySQL Servers Exposed

Kernel News
* Is It a Bug or Is It Time to Go?
* Out, Out, a.out!
* GitHub Support for Git
* Into the Gaze of History, Pantless?

Multiboot for USB
A USB stick holding all the distributions you need can be a useful mobile toolbox. This month we explore three tools for creating multiboot-capable memory sticks.

Distro Walk – Linux Mint
Clement Lefebvre gives a brief history of Linux Mint and thanks the community that has grown up around the distribution.

Krita Storyboard Docker
Krita 5 includes an editor that makes it easy to prepare storyboards for any purpose, including unexpected ones.

This graphic front end for the crontab and at tools makes it easier to automate programs, alarms, and timers.

Pipes in the Shell
Pipes offer a surprising amount of versatility, including the ability to transfer data between computers.

Command Line – lm-sensors
With lm-sensors, you can monitor your hardware's internal temperature to avoid overheating.

Inxi gives users a comprehensive inventory of system hardware – but only at the command line. Inxi-gui is a graphical front end that makes things a little more convenient.

Hot Backups
The tools and strategies you use to back up files that are not being accessed won't work when you copy data that is currently in use by a busy application. This article explains the danger of employing common Linux utilities to back up living data and examines some alternatives.

Programming Snapshot – Automated Restarts with Go
Detecting programs where the standard output has frozen can require a deep dive into terminal emulation basics. Go plumber Mike Schilli builds a plunger to free up the pipe works.

Legacy DOS Games on the Pi
Play old DOS games on the Dosbian operating system, which turns the Raspberry Pi into an 80486 PC.

Gemini Protocol
Create Gemini pages to show sensor data or control a Raspberry Pi rover.

Doghouse – Migration
Thoughts on migrating to open source – which doesn't have to be overwhelming and might result in significant cost reductions.

This open source digital audio workstation will one day compete with commercial tools like Bitwig Studio and Tracktion Waveform.

Fast-moving fun and original ideas are hallmarks of the free SuperTuxKart racing game. We bring you some playing tips.

This month Graham looks at magic-trace, Snowman, Artillery probe, GOSNIFF, Actual, Inform 7, and more!

Tutorial – Detecting Broken Links
Broken links can wreak havoc in directory structures. We'll show you how to use scripts to clean up dead-end links.

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