Linux Magazine #272 - Digital Issue

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Issue #272: Open Data

As long as governments have kept data, there have been people who have wanted to see it and people who have wanted to control it. A new generation of tools, policies, and advocates seeks to keep the data free, available, and in accessible formats. This month we bring you snapshots from the quest for open data.

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Linux Magazine #272 - Digital Issue

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* New Release of Br OS Includes ChatGPT Integration
* Command-Line Only Peropesis 2.1
* TUXEDO Computers Announces InfinityBook Pro 14
* Linux Kernel 6.3 Release Includes Interesting Features
* Arch-Based blendOS Features Cool Trick
* Fedora 38 Released with New Features
* LXQt 1.3 Released with Bug Fixes
* 4MLinux 42.0 Now Ready for Prime Time

Open Data
The open data movement extends the ideals of open source to government data and, ultimately, all the world's knowledge.

Data Transfer Project
The Data Transfer Project wants to make it easier to move your data between social media sites.

Open Data with CKAN
CKAN, a versatile data management system, lets you build a portal to share your open data.

Interview – ODI's Lisa Allen
The Open Data Institute's Lisa Allen explains why open data matters and what it will take for more widespread adoption.

Distro Walk – One-Stop Linux Distros
Linux users can now experience what Windows and macOS users have enjoyed for decades: hardware, software, and services bundled together. We look at six of these one-stop solutions for Linux.

Custom Bootable ISO Images
If you are looking to customize your Linux distribution, we show you three graphical front ends for creating bootable ISO images.

Custom Slackware Repository
If you deploy software packages to several computers, the standard Slackware tools lack efficiency. We show you how to create a custom repository to automatically install and upgrade software for multiple systems.

Command Line – coreboot
Coreboot lets you build your own custom firmware while learning more about Linux.

Reverse Engineering Bluetooth
What do you do when all your Bluetooth clocks show slightly different times? With some reverse engineering, you can write a Python program to synchronize your clocks.

Programming Snapshot – Remote Backup
To be able to power up and shut down his NAS and check the current status without getting out of his chair, Mike Schilli programs a graphical interface that sends a Magic Packet in this month's column.

DIY Lenticular Camera
You can take lenticular images with a home-made camera to recreate the "wiggle" pictures of your childhood.

Digital IC Simulation on Linux
Designing field-programmable gate arrays is only half the job: The hardest part is the simulation, but Linux is the best place to tackle certain challenges.

Doghouse – Databases
There are many FOSS databases available inexpensively today, and they might serve new projects well.

Espanso is a cross-platform text expander that can do far more than simply replace text modules.

If you're a Linux lover, you'll know the command line is the slickest and most efficient way to interact with the system. Free yourself from point-and-click with developer jarun's nnn command-line file manager.

This month Graham looks at Seamly2D, Arianna, X-Pipe, Nosey Parker, IEM Plug-in Suite, Open Hexagon, and more!

Tutorial – Carbonyl Graphical Web Browser
This Chromium port can run inside any console, with minimal resources, and is a great tool for making old computers really useful – and learning programming along the way.

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