Digital Issues

Raspberry Pi Geek was published until 2017. Each issue offers special projects and expert advice on configuring, programming, and hardware hacking for the Raspberry Pi, with additional coverage of other open platforms such as BeagleBone and Arduino.

The topic lives on in the MakerSpace section of Linux Magazine and on MakerSpace Online.



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  1. Raspberry Pi Geek #11 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #11 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    PiFace Control and Display
    Put an LCD screen, IR receiver, and buttons on top of your Pi

    The maker movement just keeps getting stronger, and open hardware and software are right in the middle, combining electronics, code, construction kits, and bits and pieces of whatever’s in the spare parts bin to create something new or remake something old. Check out this issue of Raspberry Pi Geek to see what’s new and find cool projects, tips, and tricks.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  2. Raspberry Pi Geek #12 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #12 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    BPi-R1 a Banana Pi-based server-router

    Welcome to this issue of Raspberry Pi Geek, where we connect small-board computers (SBCs) to the world outside with sensors, Android GUIs, servers, and even a Scratch chat program.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  3. Raspberry Pi Geek #13 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #13 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Theme: Set Up a Minecraft Server on Your Pi
    In this issue, we share some multidevice projects that show how you can expand your enterprises beyond a single board or language.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  4. Raspberry Pi Geek #14 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #14 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping


    Description: Welcome to Raspberry Pi Geek. We have another issue of projects and information about small-board computers and
    their software, as well as microprocessors, sensors, and programming.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  5. Raspberry Pi Geek #15 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #15 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #15: Raspberry Pi Zero: Seriously, a computer for $5?

    We take a first look at the strengths and weaknesses of the tiny new Pi Zero.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  6. Raspberry Pi Geek #16 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #16 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #16: BlinkStick — LEDs without the GPIO

    In this issue, you'll learn to replace a simple LED with more powerful and flexible BlinkStick devices. We'll also show you how to use the Arduino 101's onboard gyroscope, create a do-it-yourself Raspberry Pi case using a 3D printing service, and log location data for a bike ride.

    DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  7. Raspberry Pi Geek #17 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #17 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #17: Pi 3 Up Close

    In this issue we celebrate the Raspberry Pi’s fourth birthday. We also explore some new features of the newest Pi and present some projects that take advantage of these faster, more capable machines, such as 3D modeling and distributed compiling.

    DVD contents not available with the digital version of the magazine.

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  8. Raspberry Pi Geek #19 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #19 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #19: SBC Shopping – Find the perfect system for your next project!

    In this issue, we take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of a number of small-board computers; plus, a parade of Raspberry Pi projects.

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  9. Raspberry Pi Geek #20 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #20 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #20: NanoPi SBCs – Check out the small and capable NEO and Fire

    In this issue, learn how to put your Rasp Pi data on a web page, navigate the high seas with free navigation software, and play a challenging game of chess.

    On the DVD: NOOBS 2.0.0

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  10. Raspberry Pi Geek #21 - Digital Issue

    Raspberry Pi Geek #21 - Digital Issue

    Regular Price: €12.99

    Special Price: €3.25

    Incl. 7% VAT, Excl. shipping

    Issue #21: Rise of the Robots – Build a Perambulating, Smartphone-controlled Robot Arm

    In this issue, build a perambulating motorized robot arm, connect analog sensors to your Pi, chart aircraft in real time, and check how much your hamster really exercises.

    DVD contents are only available with the print edition of the magazine.

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