Ubuntu User #32 - Digital Issue

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Issue #32: Essentials – The Tools You Cannot Live Without

Ubuntu's repositories come with literally tens of thousands of packages. With so many apps to choose from, sometimes you may not know what to look for when searching for a tool for a specific task. In this issue we discover utilities that can be life-savers.

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Ubuntu User #32 - Digital Issue

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What you can learn from the stagnation of open source in the Spanish public sector?

Tools you should know about
The Ubuntu toolbox is jam-packed with interesting stuff. So much so, it is sometimes easy to miss what you really need. In this issue, we'll try and solve that.

Apt-fast Installation Accelerator
Apt-fast speeds up software installation under Debian, Ubuntu, and all its derivatives.

Bootable USB Drives with Etcher
Etcher is an easy to use graphical tool for making a bootable USB sticks from ISO files.

Identifying Filesystems
Linux has some compact tools for quickly finding out the filesystem of a given storage medium. We show you how to use these effectively.

The moreutils Toolbox
The moreutils package expands the standard tools for the shell with useful and sometimes exotic tools.

Nine Easy Security Tools
Ubuntu comes with a complete toolset of security utilities that make the process of securing your box much less painful.

Put Firefox on a Diet
Firefox tends to get sluggish pretty quickly when it is used intensively. There are some settings and add-ons available that can help it pick up speed again.

Ublock Origin Ad Blocker
There is hardly a website out there that doesn't have advertisements and trackers. Some sites are practically flooded with them. Ad blockers like uBlock Origin can be used as effective countermeasures.

Inotify Filesystem Monitor
Keeping an eye on possible changes to the filesystem can prove very beneficial. It can also help you to automate many processes.

Online LaTeX Editors
You can edit your LaTeX documents with online editors that run across platforms and are device independent. Documents get saved online, thus giving you and other members of a work group easy access from anywhere.

5 OSes on one USB stick
Flash chips are now used as storage devices for operating systems. MultiSystem lets you pack as many operating systems as you want on one single USB stick.

Turbo-Charge with WattOS
The latest offering from PlanetWatt, this lightweight distribution is specifically geared towards energy efficiency, giving older machines a new lease on life.

Linux Macro Photography
In macro photography, multiple images are merged together in order to generate a single picture. Under Linux, you have plenty of tools which let you merge images for fabulous results.

Partkeepr Inventory Manager
Staying on top of stock inventory levels will allow you to plan for capacity and profit. PartKeepr will help you out.

Unity 8 – Desktop of the Future
Ubuntu has turned the desktop inside out with Unity 8. However, Unity 8's new concepts do not always impress in their current state.

LXQt – Lean and Mean
LXQt is a lightweight desktop environment based on Qt 5. The similarities to LXDE are no accident.

Discovery Guide

Installing Ubuntu 16.10
We help you get started by walking you through the process of upgrading or installing the latest Ubuntu release with step-by-step instructions.

Network and Updates
Learn how to use Ubuntu's NetworkManager to access your WiFi and download updates.

Package Management
Ubuntu's Software Center lets you install just about anything. Come to grips with the app that will open up a universe of free software.

You can configure your Ubuntu system to support movies, music, and Internet telephony. Learn all about some favorite multimedia apps and games.

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