Drupal Watchdog 5.01 (#9) - Print Issue

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Issue #5.01 (#9): Strategy Cookbook

This issue is full of useful recipes, case stuides, and tips and tricks for how to best leverage Drupal.

Drupal Watchdog 5.01 (#9) - Print Issue

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Baby Steps
Our intrepid reporter finds himself at another DrupalCon, getting to the bottom of things - with Dries Buytaert, Angie Byron, Morten DK, and Holly Ross.

Farmischt Freelancer
In software, as in life, you're either an oenophile- or a beer- maven. Not sure yet? Well, here's your guide.

Testing, Testing...One...Two...Three
There are lots of new features for testing Drupal sites, making the process simpler and more efficient. Here are some examples and explanations.

Caffeinated Drupal
NYC tourist: "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" Musician: "Practice, man, practice." The same is true for achieving expertise as a barista - or a Drupalista.

Know Your Audience
With over a million chunks of content on Drupal.org - accumulated over the past ten years - the need for an overhaul is obvious. But who would benefit most from any upgrades?

Five Ways to List Content
In Drupal, there's no single enforced path into content; there's more than one way to skin the cat. Taxonomies, vocabularies, and other options abound. Take a look.

Drupal Taxonomy Tips and Tools
After your beloved cat dies, you'll want to preserve her in as lifelike an appearance as possible...oh wait, no, that's taxidermy. This one's about hierarchies in Drupal.

Back to the Future
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Dru(pal). Revisioning can be straightforward, simple - and visible - with CPS. But do be careful.

Managing Video Content in Drupal
Drupal Watchdog now has video on its website. Can the rest of the world be far behind? Here are a few of the many methods to enliven the user experience.

Why is a Data Breach Like a HAZMAT leak?
Your client's e-commerce website is their precious home sweet home - and a major investment. Storing spent nuclear reactor rods in the basement is probably not a terrific idea.

Auditing, Ethics, and Drupal Sites
As the field of webside auditing expands and comes to resemble financial auditing, it's time to employ a code of standards and ethics. Here's why and how.

Drupal in Debian
With Drupal 8 soon out of beta, look for Debian 8 to arrive on its heels. For large-scale Drupal projects, a dose of Drubian may be just what the doctor ordered.

Drush: The Swiss Army Knife for Drupal
In this fifth artcle on Drush, we learn to simplify and customize many of those pesky, repetitious, cramp-inducing commands.

From Phreaking to Geeking
You know the frustration - the inability of your perfectly sound mind to remember a bit of code, a file name, or a keyword you just used. Fortunately, everything you'll ever need to know is right there at the tip of a search.

The Tao of the Wayfinder
Here you can learn some of these skills to amp up yoru team's performance.

Strategies for a Designer-Friendly CMS
No website remains static. In building a Drupal website for Public Radio Internation, the author's team utilized system-based thinking to create a reusable, evolving site.

Using Drupal to Build Your Product
Get your startup in motion by creating a pretotype, which lets you toss a lot of stuff on the wall to see what sticks. What's a pretotype? Read on.

Got Game?
Your organization needs a plan, with defined goals and an understanding of your audience; content provides the connection.

Classy Theming
Drupal 8 comes to rescue  of Drupal themers. Frontenders, rejoice!

Wait, $langcode? What the Heck?
Ah, dear Drupal developer, no longer need you cower under your desk and curse when you hear the words "complex multilingual site". Drupal 8 is here to make your content sparkle across multiple sites in multiple languages.

Build it With Backdrop
Backdrop 1.0 has arrived and the co-creator is here to explain the who, why and wherefore.

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