ADMIN #10 - Digital Issue

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Issue #10: Traffic Control

The fine art of traffic control, six filesystems benchmarked, an HPC programming language, and NDMP.

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ADMIN #10 - Digital Issue

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Filesystems Benchmarked: We benchmark six filesystems so you can choose the one that’s best for your needs.

Julia Programming Language: Julia puts you on the fast track to parallel computing across multiple cores and cluster nodes.

Traffic Control: We show you how to use the tc utility to shape, police, and drop the traffic flooding your bandwidth.

NDMP: How to back up your network-attached storage device when it doesn’t allow you to install software.

Tools: Save time and simplify your workday with these useful tools for real-world systems administration.

Prelude SIEM: This security information and event management system helps you distinguish between real attacks and false positives.

Cloud Database as a Service: We look at how database-as-a-service providers make data scale.

fail2ban: Fail2ban uses patterns to filter your logfiles for actionable offenses.

NetShell: NetShell takes you beyond the GUI and lets you fine tune your Windows network configuration from the command line.

Galera Cluster: This MySQL clustering tool uses the InnoDB storage engine to provide high availability and scaling.

Virtualization: Virtual environments are becoming faster, more secure, and easier to set up and use. Check out these tools.

Server-Based VirtualBox: Control virtual machines remotely and conveniently by putting VirtualBox on your server.

OpenNebula: Reduce the administrative overhead of your data center virtualization solutions with this management tool.

Management: Use these practical apps to extend, simplify, and automate routine admin tasks.

Link Aggregation: Link multiple connections between components for more resiliency and bandwidth.

Interoperability: Make sure the components of your mixed operating system environment “play nice” together.

Network Backup: We look at three free tools to help with modest backup needs: Burp, Obnam, and Backshift.

Nuts and Bolts: Timely tutorials on fundamental techniques for systems administrators.

More PowerShell: Now that you’re familiar with PowerShell, harness the power of loops to automate operations.

Ratbox IRC Server: Don’t throw this old baby out with the bath water yet; IRC is a simple but effective office communication tool.

HoneypotMe: Use honeypot techniques to monitor unused ports on your production systems.

Unmanaged IPv6: Now that IPv6 is finally here, make sure your network works with it securely.

Performance Tuning Dojo: Tune kernel overcommit behavior to avoid the dread OOM Killer.

Admin Story – Jenkins: Learn how to create RPM packages for clean installs.

News: Find out about the latest ploys and toys in the world of information technology.

News: ISC Cloud’12 conference; phishing attacks at all-time high; Dell developer laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS; TryStack sandbox for OpenStack testing; Puppet certification program.

New Products: Security products from Azaleos Mobile Device Management, Sophos UTM 9, and Perimeter E-Security Archive Anywhere.

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