Linux Magazine #220 - Print Issue

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Issue #220: VirtualBox Hacks – Save time and extend the power of your virtual machines

The FOSS tool known as VirtualBox is a popular alternative for easy virtualization in Linux. Many users are satisfied to spin up a virtual machine and start a system inside it, but VirtualBox can do so much more. We show you some advanced tricks with VirtualBox.

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Linux Magazine #220 - Print Issue

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* Scapy – This cool packet analysis app integrates easily with Python, which lets you build packet analysis into your homegrown admin scripts.
* Programming Snapshot – Mike Schilli explores the joys of building a homegrown progress bar.
* Makerspace – Learn to use Waveform 9 to turn your Rasp Pi into a recording studio.
* Linux Voice – This month includes a special article by Elvie cartoonist Mark Crutch on how you can create your own cartoon strip using open source tools.

* GitHub Offers Free Private Repositories
* Linus Torvalds Welcomes 2019 with Linux 5
* SQLite Database Vulnerable
* Hacks Abound
* Kubernetes Vulnerability Found and Fixed
* Dolphin Announces New Switch for Composable Architectures

Kernel News
* Kernel Cussing
* Disk Encryption for Developing Nations
* Fixing Up the Function Graph Editor

VirtualBox Hacks
The VirtualBox virtual machine tool is a familiar sight on Linux systems, but many users don't access the full range of its powers.

Elementary OS
Elementary OS is an elegant Linux with a long-term vision and a focus on good design.

Open Source Tools for Writers
Using the right tools can free you up to focus on the content you're about to create.

Charly – DNSDiag
If some transactions take an inexplicably long time, you don't have to blame yourself for the delayed transmission of user data. Name resolution issues might be the culprit. Charly has three tools to study the DNS server.

Command Line – most
If you like to customize your command-line file pager, check out most.

Purifying Scanned PDFs
Having trouble reading that scanned PDF? You can add a little more contrast with some help from ImageMagick.

Packet Analysis with Scapy
The Scapy packet manipulation program lets you analyze and manipulate packets to create incident response reports or examine network security.

Programming Snapshot – Progress Bar
Progress bars keep impatient users patient during time-consuming actions. Mike Schilli shows how to create a homegrown progress bar.

ExaGear Desktop
Run your favorite x86 programs on the Raspberry Pi.

Open Hardware – Chrysalis
This graphical interface offers an easy way to customize open hardware keyboards.

Waveform 9
The Rasp Pi has enough performance to serve as a small digital audio workstation.

This month in Linux Voice.

Doghouse – Resolutions
FOSS goals for 2019.

Free Cartooning
The Elvie cartoon strip in this magazine is created entirely using open source software. We take you behind the scenes to show you how.

Go For It!
Is your to-do list taking all your time? Go For It! helps you work through your task list.

Graham explores the retro sci-fi eDEX-UI user interface.

Tutorials – Bash Arrays
Discover the data structures that make your shell scripts really powerful.

Tutorials – Natron
Natron allows you to create eye-catching effects and combine different video clips in surprising ways.

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