ADMIN #22 - Print Issue

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Issue #22: OpenStack Icehouse

This time we report on changes with the latest release of the OpenStack cloud platform.

On the DVD: Tails 1.1 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System)

ADMIN #22 - Print Issue

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On the DVD
Tails: The Amnesic Incognito Live System
- Use the Internet anonymously
- Circumvent censorship
- Leave no trace on the computer
- Use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools


OpenStack Icehouse
The new OpenStack version “Icehouse” comes with many new features on top of numerous improvements to existing components.

Spanning Tree Protocol
Ethernet is so popular because it simply works and is inexpensive. But the administration side looks a bit more complicated: For the network to run smoothly, the admin might need to make important decisions about configuring a spanning tree.

With CRIU, you can freeze the current state of a process and save it, then thaw it to bring it back to life and continue from the point at which it was frozen.

Graphite converts confusing columns of time series data into handy diagrams, showing trends in operating system and application metrics at a glance.

Android in the Enterprise
Secure your Android devices for the enterprise.

Multifactor Authentication
Passwords are still the mainstay for authentication, but many experts are craving the security of hardware multifactor authentication.


Hybrid Hard Drives
People still use hard disks even when SSDs are much faster and more robust. Hybrid drives promise to be as fast as SSDs while offering as much capacity as hard drives.

Data Analytics
As data analytics workloads become more common, administrators need to assess their hardware, software, and processes.

Relax and Recover
Relax and Recover (ReaR) generates a rescue image from a running system and also acts as a migration tool.

Vagrant and Friends
Vagrant instantly creates a virtual machine with a predefined collection of development tools.

Redo Backup and Recovery
Redo Backup backs up hard drives locally or over a network. The focus is on simple operation and high reliability in a variety of deployment scenarios.


OpenNMS and OCS
To manage large IT environments efficiently, you need automation. We’ll show you how to transfer information automatically from the OCS network inventory system to the OpenNM S network monitoring tool.

Passive Checks with Nagios
Why spam yourself with useless notifications every time a script completes successfully? You can use Nagios to screen the notices and send the ones that need action.

Nuts and Bolts

Kernel Patchers
Two promising open source projects – Kpatch and kGraft – attempt to patch the kernel with security updates on the fly. We look at features in these two tools and their suitability for production use.

Windows Disaster Recovery
Need to fix a Windows server? We’ll discuss some techniques for getting your system back. You’ll also learn some tricks for saving Active Directory and Exchange.

Admin Story
If you do not want to use the major management frameworks to manage your virtual machines, the Libvirt library for Python provides an alternative.

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