ADMIN #08 - Print Issue

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Issue #8: FreeNAS

Discover the differences in graph databases, get two email solutions, and set up network attached storage.

On the CD: BackTrack 5R2

ADMIN #08 - Print Issue

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Graph Databases – Graph databases are good at mapping relationships. We compare five open source alternatives.

Anti-Spam Proxy – The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) supports Exchange servers.

FreeNAS – FreeNAS uses the ZFS filesystem to create flexible storage.

Archiving – Archive and restore email and its associated attachments.

Tools: Save time and simplify your workday with these useful tools for real-world systems administration.

Chive – Chive is a Web 2.0 front end for SQL database management.

Attack Techniques – Learn how attackers can hide malicious files from virus scanners.

GlusterFS – GlusterFS lets you take the bits of unused space on many servers and create a single virtual drive.

ShadowProtect – Restore servers quickly with a combination of backups and virtualization.

URL Tricks with htaccess – Redirecting URLs with Apache's htaccess tool.

Horde Webmail – Build customized webmail systems.

Management: Use these practical apps to extend, simplify, and automate routine admin tasks.

HPC Storage – I/O profiling can help you determine your storage needs.

Mobile Monitoring – Monitor your systems from wherever you happen to be with MMSOFT Design’s Mobile PC Monitor.

HPC Roadblocks – Three barriers that hinder the growth of high-performance computing.

Nuts and Bolts: Timely tutorials on fundamental techniques for systems administrators.

Python Logging – Python has a logging module that can help you debug your programs.

Performance Tuning Dojo – The stress tool lets you stress test your systems before the real world does.

Git Server – Set up your very own Git server with Gitolite or Gitosis.

Admin Story: OpenSCAP – OpenSCAP makes sure your systems meet strict guidelines for secure configuration of IT systems.

Interoperability: Make sure the components of your mixed operating system environment “play nice” together.

Cygwin – Cygwin gives Unix utilities to Windows administrators.

News: Find out about the latest ploys and toys in the world of information technology.

News – Altair launches new HPC tools, Symantec has two new backup solutions, SilverTail looks for unfriendly web behavior, and Akamai has a new web security tool.

Interview – We ask Altair’s Bill Nitzberg, CTO of the PBS Works division, about highperformance computing at home and in the cloud.

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