ADMIN #11 - Print Issue

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Issue #11: Cloud Shopping

In this issue, we shop for cloud-based high-performance computing and storage solutions.

On the CD: Zentyal 3.0 Linux Small Business Server

ADMIN #11 - Print Issue

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HPC in the Cloud: We compare some leading options for as-needed high-performance computing in a cloud environment.

Kernel Crash Dumps: A crash dump might be the best source of information on why your Linux server crashed.

Hyper-V 3.0: The latest release of Microsoft's hypervisor offers new features for professional users.

oVirt 3.1: Use this open source tool to manage your virtual infrastructure.

Cloud Storage: We compare ownCloud, Dropbox, and Synology Cloud Station.

Tools: Save time and simplify your workday with these useful tools for real-world systems administration.

Checking Ports with Nmap: This powerful security testing tool will search out holes in your network security.

Security Compliance Manager: Get a summary of security issues afflicting your Windows systems.

RADOS and Ceph – Part 2: File storage for cluster environments with the RADOS object store.

Kanban: A technique for allocating IT resources.

Small Business Distros: Linux distributions tailored for the small business environment.

Management: Use these practical apps to extend, simplify, and automate routine admin tasks.

Rex: A handy network management tool based on SSH.

Active Directory in Windows 2012: The new version of AD offers easy domain controller virtualization and other improvements.

Nuts and Bolts: Timely tutorials on fundamental techniques for systems administrators.

Btrfs Workshop: The experimental Btrfs filesystem offers writable snapshots, integrated volume management, and RAID-level conversion on the fly.

Autodiscovery: Learn about some techniques for discovering network infrastructure and services.

Network Testers: Search out line problems and other connectivity issues with these helpful troubleshooting tools.

Go Programming Language: An innovative new programming language designed for efficient compilation, fast execution, and simple coding.

Performance Tuning Dojo: What is the iconic load average metric, and how can you use it to optimize your Linux and Unix systems?

Admin Story – SELinux: Setting up an SELinux targeted policy.

Interoperability: Make sure the components of your mixed operating system environment “play nice” together.

Gow: Run GNU tools on Windows with this versatile Cygwin alternative.

News: Find out about the latest ploys and toys in the world of information technology.

News: Cloud spending will reach US$ 100 billion in 2012, Amazon launches reserved instance marketplace, and Shuttleworth invests US$ 1 million in Ceph community.

New Products: SkySQL Enterprise Suite, JetBrains PhpStorm and WebStorm, Zentyal 3.0, and Trend Micro Deep Security 9.

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