ADMIN Magazine #32 - Print Issue

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Issue #32: Measuring Performance - Find Bottlenecks with I/O Benchmarking

Benchmarking is an essential part of optimizing. In this issue we help you take the first steps.

On the DVD: openSUSE Leap 42.1 and clearOS 7.2

ADMIN Magazine #32 - Print Issue

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Admin News
News for system administrators around the world.

I/O Benchmarking
Careful benchmarking is the starting point for assessing system performance, but every benchmark comes with pitfalls.

PAM Security in 2016
Windows Server’s privileged Access Management feature keeps the admin group empty, assigning privileges on a temporary basis.

MS Advanced Threat Analytics
Detect suspicious activities on the internal network with Microsoft’s advanced security tool.

This handy tool keeps track of hardware, software, and licenses.

The Veil pen-testing platform provides some powerful tools that will hide your attack from antivirus scanners.

Hiawatha Web Server
The small but secure Hiawatha web server is an appealing alternative to the complex Apache.

AD Federation Services
A little automation will help you configure Microsoft’s powerful sign-on tool.

Ansible 2.0
The new version of the Ansible IT automation platform comes with a faster engine and 200 new modules.

This handy backup tool encrypts all backups, which means you can even store your backups in the cloud.

PowerShell DSC for Linux
The combination of Open Management Infrastructure standards and the performance of Windows PowerShell means you can even use PowerShell to manage a Linux system.

Puppet and vSphere
In ESXi environments, the powerful Puppet automatic configuration tool can perform its services and roll out VMs automatically.

AWS CloudFormation
Describe and manage a collection of Amazon Web Services resources.

Docker for Labs
Docker provide a fast and easy means for giving the students in an IT lab access to a personal work environment.

MariaDB MaxScale
A smart proxy server for MySQL that speaks the same protocol.

Tracking Memory Errors
Memory errors are a silent killer of high-performance computers, but you can find and track these stealthy assassins.

Digital Blackmail
Ransomware systems are getting better and bolder — better to know your enemy.

Systemd Init Changes
The latest version of the new init system offers features for management and container handling.

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