ADMIN magazine #55 - Digital Issue

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Issue #55: AWS Lambda

This issue emphasizes performance tuning, tweaking, and adaptations with various tools and techniques.

On the DVD: openSUSE Leap 15.1

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

ADMIN magazine #55 - Digital Issue

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* Canonical now offers an Ubuntu Pro image for AWS
* Vulnerable Docker instance sought out by Monero malware
* Cumulus Networks enhances their network-specific Linux
* SUSE adds SUSE Linux Enterprise to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

This Linux kernel module lets you gain a noticeable improvement in random write throughput writing to slower disk devices.

VoIP and NAT
Secure transparent IP address transitions through NAT firewalls and gateways for Voice over IP.

Visualize how the Linux kernel scheduler allocates jobs among cores and the performance consequences.

Exchange Hybrid Agent
Ease migration from a local Exchange environment to Exchange Online.

Ceph distributed storage and Kubernetes container orchestration come together.
If you are looking for a way to build images quickly and easily, is the place to go.

New S3 Services at Amazon
Amazon has new storage classes that address different usage profiles.

Prowler for AWS Security
An AWS security best practices assessment, auditing, hardening, and forensics readiness tool.

Regex Vulnerabilities
Regular expressions are invaluable for checking data, but a vulnerability could make them ripe for exploitation.

The latest packet filter implementation promises better performance and simpler syntax and operation.

Grafana's Loki is a good replacement candidate for the Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) combination in Kubernetes environments.

Serverless Uptime Monitoring
Monitoring with AWS Lambda serverless technology reduces costs and scales to your infrastructure automatically.

Ansible Hybrid Cloud
Extending your data center temporarily into the cloud during a customer rush might not be easy, but it can be done, thanks to Ansible's Playbooks and some AWS scripts.

Profiling Python Code
Profiling -- as a whole or by function†-- shows where you should spend time speeding up your programs.

Fibre Channel SAN Bottlenecks
Discover the possible bottlenecks in Fibre Channel storage area networks and learn how to resolve them.

initramfs and dracut
If your Linux system is failing to boot, the dracut tool can be a convenient way to build a new RAM disk.

Performance Tuning Dojo
Your sensei reveals three of his favorite benchmarking tools: time, hyperfine, and bench.

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