Drupal Watchdog 6.01 (#11) - Print Issue

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Issue #6.01 (#11): Community

In this issue we focus on the Drupal Community and how experts and newbies can get involved. We also look at introducing people to the Drupal Culture as well as the latest about Drupal 8 and pushing the project in the direction of huge enterprises.

Drupal Watchdog 6.01 (#11) - Print Issue

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Bits 'n' Bytes
A Drupal, a Joomla, a WordPress, and a Backdrop architect are on a lifeboat together...

My First Computer
A Luddite and a Drupal developer walk into a bar...

Still Uncultured
Nobody said Drupal was easy. No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh take me back to the star-ar-art. (Thanks, Coldplay!)

Do it Now!
Avoid oeuf sur le visage, preferably by using Drupal CI. In this ongoing series on testing, you’re urged to test at the start – and often.

If you’re new to Drupal – or even if you’re an old hand at it – here’s a nifty guide to joining the community. And contributing.

Doctor, Doctor, Gimme the News!
Measuring the Drupal project’s state of health is no simple matter – where do you stick the thermometer? Here’s an approach; comments welcome.

The Community Comes to Jordan
When potential employees are turned off by Drupal’s complexity and learning curve – and immune to free pizza parties – introduce them to Drupal culture.

The Free Module Economy
Although Drupal 8 and Large Scale Drupal seem to be pushing the project in the direction of huge enterprises, perhaps the middle ground will prove as fruitful.

From Cave to Castle
Build these passive modules once, and rest securely – your Drupal fortress will have a spam-proof moat, a wall that even Donald Trump would envy.

Drush vs. Drupal Console
Let’s take a stroll through the brave new world of Drupal 8; lower the learning curve for the newbie and for the seasoned pro.

The Remote Culture
The good news and the bad news about a distributed workforce. The good news: It’s all good news. Here’s how one company went about it successfully.

Drupal 8 Core Multilingual Functionality
Me gusta la leche, me gusta el café. Pero mas me gustan, los ojos de usted. You want your Drupal 8 website to open in Spanish? Or maybe Lolspeak, Haitian Creole, or Yiddish? You got it.

Growing Apples in the Desert
Is your company’s culture laidback and holistic or is it more in nail-biting overdrive? Whatever the vision, it’s important that all employees and applicants are on the same page. That takes time, not to mention a good climate for growth.

Welcome to the Weekend!
“Wait a minute, you want us English majors to place content on the website that you techies just built? No way!” Well, Drupalists, here’s how to walk them through the painful process of taking responsibility for content placement.

The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Intuitively, more patents being issued should mean innovation and discovery are ratcheting up. But maybe not; maybe it's just those darn patent trolls.

Getting There
It’s August, 2010, and the release of Drupal 7 is snagged and delayed. Here’s the history, and the heroic journey undertaken by a few intrepid coders to get the version out there – and make sure the problem did not replicate in migrating to Drupal 8. Fingers crossed.

Whither Drupal?
One man’s journey from the tight-laced banking world to the free-spirited open source community leads him to wonder and speculate about Drupal’s future. Was Yogi Berra pre-cognitive?

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