Linux Magazine #211 - Print Issue

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Issue #211: Mycroft – Can an open source personal assistant compete with Alexa?

You can't get more sci fi than a little box that listens to your instructions and talks back. Most of the leading personal assistants come in very opaque little boxes, but the open source community is hard at work finding its own solutions. Mycroft is an open source assistant that comes on a hardware device, but you also can download the software and install it on a Linux system.

On the DVD: Linux Mint 18.3 "Mate" 64-Bit and ArchLinux 64-Bit

Linux Magazine #211 - Print Issue

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* Meltdown and Spectre – These catastrophic hardware bugs have created problems for computer users around world. Find out what Linux developers are doing to clean up the mess.
* Knight's Tour – Practice your skills with a Python solution to this classic chess puzzle.
* Check out MakerSpace for a look at how to control your Raspberry Pi from an Android.
* Visit LinuxVoice for a tutorial on writing apps with the Qt Modeling Language (QML).

* Solomon Hykes Leaves Daily Operations at Docker
* Red Hat Celebrates 25th Anniversary with a New Code Portal
* Gnome 3.28 Released
* Install Firefox in a Snap on Linux
* Arduino Adds Rasp Pi and BeagleBone to the Arduino Create Platform
* IBM Launches a New Data Science Platform

Kernel News
* Improving Netfilter Efficiency
* Protecting Memory from Malicious Modification
* Speeding Up Workarounds for Intel Security Flaws

KDE Sets a Course
Two leaders of the KDE project report on priorities and celebrate a funding victory.

Voice-activated assistants like Mycroft bring online, hands-free help to users, but with more transparency and less spying.

Peppermint OS
If you are looking for a lean but modern Linux with a solid foundation and seamless cloud connection, take a look at Peppermint OS.

Scanners in Linux
Using scanners to digitize documents in Linux was once a perilous business, but Linux scanner technology has improved in recent years. We study the state of the art with some leading scanners from various manufacturers.

Programming Snapshot – Probability
At a party with 23 guests, having two guests with the same birthday in more than 50 percent of cases may sound fairly unlikely to amateur mathematicians. Armed with statistical methods, party animal Mike Schilli sets out to prove this claim.

Meltdown and Spectre
The blatant security holes known as Meltdown and Spectre, which are built into the computer hardware, are likely to keep us busy for the next few years. How is the Linux community addressing this unexpected challenge?

Knight's Tour
If you're looking for a head start on solving the classic Knight's Tour chess challenge, try this homegrown Python script.

Command Line – Ledger
By learning a few basic functions, you can take your accounting to the command line.

Charly's Column – colorls
The first time in our lives we got to a black-and-white Linux or Unix shell, most of us probably typed ls first. In a mixture of nostalgia and the knowledge that life is colorful, columnist Charly K¸hnast plays a colorful trump card with colorls.

PirateBox provides an easily accessible server for files, chats, and forum posts for meetings of all kinds. The system works without logins and protocols, so users remain anonymous.

Node-RED on Android
We show you how to control devices connected to Rasp Pi GPIO pins with text messages from an Android phone. 62 Open Hardware – Keyboardio Hack Reprogramming the Keyboardio Model 01's firmware is limited only by its memory and your imagination.

Fedora IoT
Fedora enters the IoT space with a lean new distro that features atomic updates.


This month in Linux Voice

Doghouse – The Year of *x
Maddog gives a brief history of the last (almost) half century of *x, plus a call for spreading the love.

If you have totally messed up your Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, elementary OS, or Linux Deepin, you can simply reset with Resetter.

Podcasts with Audacity
A digital audio recording with Audacity is a great way to deliver your message.

Gravit Designer
Edit vector graphics with Gravit Designer and save the results in the SVG, PNG, and JPEG formats.

Graham looks at Krita 4.0, FreeTube 0.2.0, OpenSnitch, Yoda, Citybound, GZDoom, and much more!

Tutorial – Writing QML Apps
QML makes writing desktop applications a breeze, and you can later compile them into standalone programs.

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