Linux Magazine #217 - Print Issue

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Issue #217: Innovative Distros

Public discussions of Linux often focus on the same few distros – Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, RHEL – but the FOSS space is home to hundreds of other worthy Linux distributions, and all were created for a reason. This month we examine some promising alternatives, including these hidden gems:
* Bodhi – A simpler enlightenment
* Heads – Anonymous surfing even on old hardware
* Nitrux – UI designers get creative with KDE
* Qubes OS – Lockdown security with the focus on isolation

On the DVD: Debian 9.5 Live Gnome and Emmabuntüs

Linux Magazine #217 - Print Issue

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* Git Remote Repositories – Our Git workshop continues with a look at how to manage projects with multiple servers
* /proc Filesystem – We show you some example scripts that extract information on running processes
* MakerSpace – We use Python to interface with littleBits IoT blocks.
* LinuxVoice – Get an update on the classic Usenet discussion network and a tutorial on RSS.

* Red Hat reports $823 revenue for second quarter 2019
* Debian, Ubuntu, and other Distros are leaving users vulnerable
* Nextcloud 14 arrives
* Linus Torvalds takes a break, apologizes
* Chinese spy chip in US servers?
* Is North Korea hacking US ATMs?

Kernel News
Zack describes recent discussions of the new Linux kernel Code of Conduct.

Bodhi Linux 5.0.0
Bodhi is a lightweight Linux that features Moksha – a simple but colorful desktop based on Enlightenment 17.

Several Live distributions support anonymous surfing on the Internet. Heads is a leading alternative that even lets you surf secretly on older hardware.

Nitrux Linux integrates a flexible new package tool, an easy-to-use encryption system, and other useful innovations.

Qubes OS 4
By isolating complete work environments in virtual machines, Qubes OS offers a significant security boost.

We look at the Purism Librem 15, a new Linux laptop with the emphasis on security.

Remote Git Repositories
Software projects often comprise several code†branches, some of which exist in parallel. Git supports community code development through remote repositories and code branching.

Exploring /proc
The Linux /proc virtual filesystem offers a window into a running system; look inside for information on processes and kernel activity.

Command Line – Impressive
Contrary to conventional wisdom, a command-line presentation app can be easy to use.

Charly –
When you really need documentation, it's almost always incomplete or outdated. Charly recommends a different approach: the universal community documentation tool

Programming Snapshot – Graph Theory
Pretty much any computer science lecture about graph theory covers the "Seven Bridges of Königsberg" problem. Mike Schilli puts a Python script to work on a solution.

littleBits and Python
Communicate with your littleBits sensors and devices through Python programs.

Upribox 2.0
Upribox 2.0 acts as a router and filters both trackers and ads, saving you the annoying task of manually hardening your web browser with countless add-ons.

Open Hardware – Reform
An open hardware laptop that encourages hacking and repair while offering security and transparency – all for an affordable price.

Welcome: This month in Linux Voice.

Doghouse – Thanks for the Numbers
Published rates of "pirated" software show how much most countries lose with proprietary licensing.

Determine the positions of stars and generate charts to use when creating horoscopes.

Before the web as we know it existed, Usenet performed the same tasks now done by web forums and social networks.

Synth-nut Graham pulls himself away from Moog One hype to unveil the best free software released this month.

Tutorial – Desktop News Feeds
Your news feed notifications don't have to be distracting or intrusive.

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