Linux Magazine #234 - Digital Issue

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Issue #234: Edge Computing – Get ready for the low-latency cloud

The Edge is a popular buzz word in high-tech news, but what does it mean really? We introduce you to an exciting new technology that could be changing the way we think about the cloud.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Linux Magazine #234 - Digital Issue

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* navi – interactive cheat sheet for easy help on shell commands
* chromedp – extract data from complex dynamic web pages
* MakerSpace – learn about the versatile CircuitPython runtime environment
* LinuxVoice – this month includes studies on the FreeDOS retro OS and printing in the shell.

* Zorin OS 15.2 Now Available
* Firefox to Get an Additional Sandbox†Layer
* Microsoft Defender ATP is Coming to†Linux
* South Korean Government Considers†Move to Linux Desktop
* OpenSSH Now Supports FIDO/U2F Security Keys
* System76 Launches New AMD Threadripper Machine

SCaLE 18X Report
With numerous exhibitors and workshops, SCaLE 18x covered a wide range of open source topics.

Interview: The FreeBSD Foundation
As the FreeBSD Foundation approaches its 20th anniversary, we talk to its top brass about the project's growing visibility in the open source ecosystem.

Edge Computing
After the cloud came the Edge. We take a look at the Edge computing phenomenon and attempt to assess what all the fuss is about.

Matt Trifiro on the Edge
An Edge expert reports on how the Edge phenomenon is changing IT.

BunsenLabs Helium
BunsenLabs Helium offers a lean alternative to popular Linux distributions. Our lab investigates how well it performs on antiquated hardware.

FSF's Free Distros
The Free Software Foundation maintains a list of GNU/Linux distributions that meet their strict standards for free software – and your distro probably doesn't qualify.

Bash Data Gathering
With some simple Bash commands, you can gather, parse, and filter text data into†CSV.

When the man page is too long, navi comes to the rescue with an interactive cheat sheet.

Charly's Column – darkstat
Thanks to its minimal footprint, the 20-year-old darkstat monitoring tool hardly generates any noticeable load.

Programming Snapshot – chromedp
Screen scrapers often fail when confronted with complex web pages. To†keep his scraper on task, Mike Schilli uses the DevTools protocol to remotely control the Chrome browser.

Command Line – runit
A minimal init alternative.

This versatile run-time environment is perfect for cross-platform programming.

Pi Zero USB Gadget
In just a few simple steps, you can turn a Pi Zero into a universal USB drive.

Doghouse – Courage and Imagination
maddog gives his recipe for addressing the world's perplexing problems.

Revive old tools and games with a free version of DOS.

This free flight simulator has improved over the years and now offers a joystick for maximum fun.

This month Graham reports on OpenShot, vokoscreenNG, OpenSnitch, and more!

Tutorial – Printing in the Shell
A few commands and some simple shell scripts make it easier to manage your printer so that you can access print functions quickly and automate recurring tasks.

Tutorial – L÷VE Animation
L÷VE is an extension of the Lua language, designed to make it easier to develop games.

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