Raspberry Pi Geek #16 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Issue #16: BlinkStick — LEDs without the GPIO

In this issue, you'll learn to replace a simple LED with more powerful and flexible BlinkStick devices. We'll also show you how to use the Arduino 101's onboard gyroscope, create a do-it-yourself Raspberry Pi case using a 3D printing service, and log location data for a bike ride.

DVD contents are not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Raspberry Pi Geek #16 - Digital Issue

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Transform your Raspberry Pi into a complete desktop system with the Q4OS slim Debian distribution.

Replace a simple LED with more powerful and flexible BlinkStick devices.

Arduino 101
The Arduino 101 only costs $30, but it comes with Bluetooth and an onboard gyroscope.

3D Printing
If you have a unique use for your Raspberry Pi, you might not be satisfied with an off-the-shelf case. Why not roll your own using 3D printing.

Processing on Pi
Use the Processing language on a touchscreen Raspberry Pi 2.

Fast Clocks for Model Trains
Speed up time for realistic odel train schedules.

SunRover 4 – Camera
Adding a Pi camera to a solarpowered rover.

Get off-site access to a Raspberry Pi on a home network.

Rasp Pi Boat Navigation
Build a low-cost navigation system with OpenCPN software, a GPS receiver, and free navigation maps.

Logging Bike Data
University students take the Raspberry Pi to the streets, using it as a data logger for bicycles and motorcycles.

SwitchDoc Labs – Grove Devices
A system of standardized connectors and devices for quick and easy project prototyping.

littleBits – Cat Feeder
littleBits and a bit of arts and crafts deliver a working automatic cat feeder.

Scratch Programming – Graphics
Create a guessing game using graphic effects to distort sprite costumes.

Arduino FM Radio
A low-cost FM receiver connected to an Arduino module lets you play your favorite stations.

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