Raspberry Pi Geek #17 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Issue #17: Pi 3 Up Close

In this issue we celebrate the Raspberry Pi’s fourth birthday. We also explore some new features of the newest Pi and present some projects that take advantage of these faster, more capable machines, such as 3D modeling and distributed compiling.

DVD contents not available with the digital version of the magazine.

Raspberry Pi Geek #17 - Digital Issue

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Inside the Raspberry Pi 3
The Raspberry Pi 3 changes the game with its fast, 64-bit CPU and support for WiFi and Bluetooth.

Raspberry Pi Turns 4
The Raspberry Pi celebrates its fourth anniversary. We review the history of the nifty nanocomputer.

SwitchDoc Labs – Solar Tracking
How much extra power can a solar panel collect by tracking the sun?

Linux has a powerful set of programming tools that lets you manipulate data without the need to install additional software.

Man Pages
Man pages provide essential information but may seem cryptic if you’re not familiar with their structure. We introduce you to the native help system for Linux commands.

Distributed Compiling with distcc
Offload the CPU-intensive compilation tasks from the Raspberry Pi to other computers.

3D Slash
This computer-aided design software works well on a Raspberry Pi.

Intercept tracking and advertising before it gets to your devices.

Edimax SP1101W
Program a smart plug to start your Pi on a schedule.

Turn a Raspberry Pi into a communication center for sending and receiving text.

Build your own laptop case with FreeCAD and a 3D printing service.

Presentation Machine v2
An upgraded conference slide projection apparatus with some retro design.

Scratch – Stamping Numbers
Add style to game score displays with stamp blocks and costumes.

Remote Control Paddleboat
Program an Android phone to control a toy water craft.

New Products
What’s new in small-board computers, Internet of Things, and the Maker realm.

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