Raspberry Pi Geek #23 - Digital Issue

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Quick Overview

Issue #23: Back to Basics (sort of) – Commandeering the Linux command line, looking at logs, and securing Secure Shell

In this issue, we study some basic, but overlooked tools running on Raspberry Pi. We also take the Pi out into the world, build a robot arm, and connect Lego Mindstorms modules directly to a Pi.

DVD contents are only available with the print edition of the magazine.

Raspberry Pi Geek #23 - Digital Issue

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Enable SSH
Raspbian images used to enable SSH by default, but recent versions require manual configuration for remote access.

Regular Expressions
Regular expressions help you filter through data to find the information you need. A regex applied to text can find, dissect, and extract virtually any pattern you seek.

Enable SSH
Raspbian images used to enable SSH by default, but recent versions require manual configuration for remote access.

Regular Expressions
Regular expressions help you filter through data to find the information you need. A regex applied to text can find, dissect, and extract virtually any pattern you seek.

Mobile Pi
When equipped with a suitable keyboard and a simple monitor, the Raspberry Pi is useful for many tasks in the great outdoors.

Image Bank (part II)
The Pi image bank can save your vacation pictures and even display the images using a web server.

A network attached storage system does not have to be large, heavy, and expensive. A Raspberry Pi and the OpenMediaVault Linux distro are a compact alternative to a heavy and costly NAS.

Kodi 17.1
Use the Raspberry Pi with the Kodi media center to upgrade a "dumb" TV to a smart one. The update to Kodi 17.1 looks spectacular and includes some enhanced streaming functions.

I2C (part V) – BMP180
The kernel module simplifies access to the BMP180 sensor, allowing you to record the temperature and air pressure with shell commands.

QR Codes
Learn how to generate your own QR codes, and use MIT's App Inventor to build an Android QR code reader.

ESP8266 (part III)
The ESP8266 is an extremely versatile chip, and one of its many uses is controlling servomotors. We put together a robot arm and use it to attempt to solve the "Tower of Hanoi" puzzle.

RPi3 in ARMv8 Mode
The Raspberry Pi 3 usually has a 32-bit Linux system running on it, even though the processor supports 64-bit operations. We decided to see how the RPi3 runs with a real 64-bit system.

Wire Lego Mindstorms components directly to your Raspberry Pi, add some automation with Node-RED, and create a web dashboard to control your project manually.

Makerspot USB Hub
The Rasp Pi Zero comes with minimal equipment. Makerspot offers an interesting alternative for adding an OTG adapter plus a USB hub.

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